Graphs provided by Clare Daly
Words by Jacinta Agostinelli

In March, 2030Yea conducted a community energy survey to find out if there is support for the ambition of a renewable future for Yea. We sent the survey to 2030Yea members and key groups from within the community and here are the results. To reach a more diverse demographic than our membership base, we also conducted some individual interviews. 78 people responded to the survey, and we thank you all for your time and honesty. Thank you to Clare Daly for organising the survey and collating the responses. It’s a big task as many readers will appreciate. The survey is very short, and it is still open. You can complete it here.

Survey objectives

A main objective of the survey was to gain insights that would assist in our future planning. Below are some of our questions with the community’s responses which were encouraging.

Would you support a community energy project in Yea?

How important do you think community energy is?

Note, 1 is not important and 5 is very important.

If you think renewable energy is important, why?

Who do you think is responsible for the transition to renewable energy?

Your age range

*Note that according to the 2021 census data the median age of residents in Yea is 53, with nearly 40% of residents aged 60+


The survey results indicate that 2030Yea is on track, and that we have the support of our town. We would like to improve our connection with younger residents, and we will continue to encourage home energy efficiency saving behaviours. If you would like to help us reach more of our community, or if you have ideas about how we could do this, please contact us. We are anticipating that the current Neighbourhood Battery Initiative project will extend our links with a broader section of the community. Read the article ‘The $42 million Neighbourhood Battery Initiative pie‘.